International / National Journal: |
- Total electron scattering and ionization of N, N2 and metastable excited N2*(A3Σ+u ): Theoretical cross sections, N. Joshipura, Sumona S. Gangopadhyay, Harshit N. Kothari, Foram A. Shelat Physics Letters A 373 (2009) 2876–2881.
- Calculations on various total cross-sections of electron impact on group VA– Atoms-Threshold to 2000 eV, N. Joshipura, Sumona Gangopadhyay, Harshit N Kothari and Foram A Shelat Journalof Physics: Conference Series 194 (2009) 042038
- Electron scattering with metastable H2*(c3Πu) molecules; Ionization and other total cross sections, K N Joshipura, Harshit N Kothari, Foram A Shelat, Pooja Bhowmik and Nigel J Mason J.phys.B.: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43 (2010) 135207
- Electron Scattering with H2 and excited meta-stable H2* molecules –a study in contrast, Pooja Bhowmik, Harshit N. Kothari, Foram A. Shelat, K.N. Joshipura, Journal of science/Vol.1./Issue-1/2010.
- Electron Scattering with LiH molecule including a realistic dipole potential, Foram A Shelat, K N Joshipura , K L baluja, Pooja Bhowmik, Harshit B Kothari, Indian J. Phys., 85 (2011), 1739
- Electron ionization of exotic molecular targets CN, C2N2, HCN, HNC and BF—Theoretical cross sections, Siddharth H. Pandya, Foram A. Shelat, K.N. Joshipura, Bhushit G. Vaishnav J. Mass Spectrom. 323– 324 (2012) 28
- Electron Scattering Studies With Atomic Beryllium And BeH, BeH2 Molecules, Foram M Joshi, K N Joshipura Proceedings of ECPAMP-2013, ISBN: 978-81-8487-343-6, Narosa Publishing House
- Scattering of electrons with atomic Mo: free and metallic phases, Foram M Joshi, K N Joshipura, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635 (2015) 052081
- Electron Impact Ionization In Plasma Technologies; Studies On Atomic Boron And BN Molecule, Foram M Joshi, K N Joshipura and Asha S Chaudhari, AIP Conference Proceedings 1728, 020186 (2016); doi: 10.1063/1.4946237
- Electron Impact Ionization Of Plasma Important Atomic Be, B And BX (X= N, O) Targets, Foram M Joshi, K N Joshipura & Asha S Chaudhari, Prajna, Volume 22& 23:84-88 (2015), ISSN:0975 2595
- Completing electron scattering studies with the inert gas column:e – Rn scattering and Ionization, Foram M Joshi, K N Joshipura, Asha S Chaudhari, Hitesh S Modi, Manish J Pindaria Digital identifier :arXiv:1602.01928 [physics.atom-ph]
- Fiber Optics- Ek Vagyanik Zalak, Foram M Joshi Pragamitarang, Volume 9, page no 35, ISSN:2347 2782
- Ionization of P Atom, P2 and PX (X = H, C, N, O) Molecules by Electron Impact: Theoretical Studies, Asha S. Chaudhari, Foram M. Joshi, Manish Pindariya, K. N. Joshipura and Pooja Bhowmik Journal of Atomic, Molecular, Condensate & Nano Physics, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 205–214, 2018 ISSN 2349-2716 (online); 2349-6088 (print)
- Electron and Positron Impact Ionization Cross Sections of O and Hg Atoms, Manish Pindariya, Asha S. Chaudhari, Foram M. Joshi, K. N. Joshipura and Harshit N. Kothari Journal of Atomic, Molecular, Condensate & Nano Physics Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 229–237, 2018 ISSN 2349-2716 (online); 2349-6088 (print)
- Design, Analysis And Manufacturing Of A Portable Automatic Ultrasonic Cleaning Device, Devansh Mistry and Dr. Foram Joshi Proceedings Of A Two Days National Conference On Stem (Science, Technology, Engineering And Mathematics) CSTEM’19 ISBN NUMBER : 978 93 5382 943, pg.68
- Electron scattering cross sections over a wide energy range (0.01 to 2000 ev): a report on P2dimer, Pooja Bhowmik, Foram Joshi, Hemal Varambhia and K N Joshipura Proceedings Of A Two Days National Conference On Stem (Science, Technology, Engineering And Mathematics) CSTEM’19 ISBN NUMBER : 978 93 5382 943, pg.118
- Electron Impact Ionization Of Plasma Important Atoms: Mo And W, Foram Joshi, Asha Chaudhari and Kamalnayan Joshipura Proceedings Of A Two Days National Conference On Stem (Science, Technology, Engineering And Mathematics) CSTEM’19 ISBN NUMBER : 978 93 5382 943, pg.145
- Electron Impact Ionization OnIsoelctronic HF- B2 And C2 -Bn- BeO Molecules – Theoretical Cross Sections, Foram Joshi, Hitesh Modi, Asha Chaudhari and Kamalnayan Joshipura Proceedings Of A Two Days National Conference On Stem (Science, Technology, Engineering And Mathematics) CSTEM’19 ISBN NUMBER : 978 93 5382 943, pg.155
- DUST IN OUR SOLAR SYSTEM (TRANSLATED IN GUJARATI), Jayesh Pabari and Foram M Joshi, Pragami Tarnag, Indian Association of Physics Teachers, IAPT RC – 7 (Gujarat Region), pp.28 ,2021
- Theoretical Electron Scattering Studies with Plasma Important Atoms: Tantalum and Molybdenum, Joshi, F.M., Chaudhari, A.S., Bhowmik, P., Joshipura, K.N. (2022). In: Singh, V., Sharma, R., Mohan, M., Mehata, M.S., Razdan, A.K. (eds) Proceedings of the International Conference on Atomic, Molecular, Optical & Nano Physics with Applications. Springer Proceedings in Physics, vol 271. Springer, Singapore.
- A Simple Model for Electron Impact Elastic Cross-section of Complex Bio-molecules for Energies from 20–2000 eV. Bhowmik, P., Ahuja, B.L., Joshi, F.M. (2022). In: Singh, V., Sharma, R., Mohan, M., Mehata, M.S., Razdan, A.K. (eds) Proceedings of the International Conference on Atomic, Molecular, Optical & Nano Physics with Applications. Springer Proceedings in Physics, vol 271. Springer, Singapore.
- Predictive Edge Computing of SST Time Series based Marine Warning System using Cloud Computing Infrastructure, Geetali Saha, Bannishikha Banerjee and Foram M Joshi ISBN 9780367726171 September 1, 2022 by Chapman and Hall/CRC
- Electron Impact Ionization Cross Sections OfAr Atom In Martian Atmosphere, Shruti Bhatt, Foram M Joshi , Jayesh Pabari Proceedings of NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN PHYSICAL SCIENCE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (NCAPSSD – 2022), page 67-71, Indian Institute of Teacher Education (IITE), Gandhinagar ,ISBN:978-81-957420-2-8
- Study Of Electron Impact Ionization Cross Sections In Martian Dust , Proceedings of NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN PHYSICAL SCIENCE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (NCAPSSD – 2022), page 47-55, Indian Institute of Teacher Education (IITE), Gandhinagar, ISBN:978-81-957420-2-8